Low Voltage Solutions | Logstrup Client: Logstrup Target Medium: WebAR Logstrup er en leverandør af eltavler og koblingsudstyr. Logstrups modulære system er baseret på det originale 190 mm modul og muliggør enhver konfiguration af hoved- og underfordelere,...
Socialt Udviklingscenter | SUS Client: SUS – Socialt Udviklingscenter Platform: Pico G3 Udfordring: SUS – Socialt Udviklingscenter søgte en løsning for at fremme forståelse og empati blandt tre forskellige grupper inden for et ældrecenter: sundhedsprofessionelle,...
XTREME | IT University, Copenhagen How can the experience of art, music performances, and live concerts be democratized and overcome access difficulties from disability or socio-economic disparity? The project Mixed Reality Environment for Immersive Experience of Art...
VR4Empathy | European Commission Empathy is the bridge that connects us to the emotions and perspectives of others. VR4Empathy is a pioneering project funded by the European Commission that seeks to harness the power of virtual reality (VR) to foster cognitive empathy...
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