
Out of Body | Universe


Kunde: Universe (af Danfoss)

Target Medium: HTC Vive

Opgave: Universe er en oplevelsespark i Nordborg, der har åbnet en af Europas største Virtual Reality-installationer. For at vise teknologiens potentialer bestilte de 3 oplevelser hos Khora.

For at vise deres gæster hvor let det kan være at narre din hjerne med virtual reality skabte vi Out of Body-oplevelsen. Denne fysiske installation tester folks evne til at modstå ekstreme kulde- og varmeforhold.

Client’s Testimony

“We wanted a VR experience that had something local from our park, an experience to show the technical aspect of VR and an experience that highlighted the science in the immersive experience VR can be! Having one developer in Khora that could do it all was very comfortable.


Being new in VR development and in retrospect, we should have asked Khora to do the concept development as well. 


We recommend Khora as a VR partner.”


– Troels Nim Andersen
Project Leader | Universe


Matias Seidler

Matias Seidler

Museums and Tourism Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 22 33 24 81