Socialt Udviklingscenter | SUS Client: SUS – Socialt Udviklingscenter Target Medium: Pico G3 Challenge: SUS – Socialt Udviklingscenter sought a solution to foster understanding and empathy among three distinct groups within an elderly home: healthcare professionals,...
Body Anatomy AR | Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi Client: Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi – SOSU H Target Medium: Smartphone/Tablet Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) In collaboration with Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi, Khora...
Peer Partnership | Peer Partnerskabet Client: Peer Partnership Target Medium: Khora Exposure Khora, in collaboration with Peer Partnership, has created a 360° VR experience where citizens can try out how meetings with employees in the public sector take place. The...
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