About Khora
About us
Khora is a leading Scandinavian Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) production studio, creating cutting edge content within multiple application areas.
We are exploring the value potential of VR and AR through meaningful collaborations and partnerships. We work within multiple industries, with a deep understanding of the technologies and of how and why businesses and institutions should be working within these emerging mediums. We have an open door policy, so come and see for yourself.
Khora as a concept is derived from Plato. In Plato’s account, khôra is described as an interval, alike to a non-being shaping into the forms of the sensible realm; a place between the real and non-real that wavers between what we can sense and what is yet to be.
With this in mind, Khora was created to become a bridge between the physical and virtual worlds. It is here that we try to create space for people to develop and let loose their wildest imaginations.
Our Team
Simon Lajboschitz
Co-Founder & CEO
26 34 26 33
Peter Fisher
Co-Founder & CTO
40 31 79 38
Christopher Schnoor
Film Producer
28 58 60 31
Bjørn Haldorsen
Film Producer
31 16 91 81
Daniel Skaale
Unity Generalist
31 16 91 81
Emma Pi Larsen
CG Artist
31 16 91 81
Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek
Chief Production Manager
27 82 47 27
Farah Shiraz
Chief Scientific Officer
91 85 30 90
Katrine Konyher
Head of Marketing
41 29 93 19
Matias Seidler
22 33 24 81
Mads Nathaniel Lopes
Business Developer
27 30 84 38
Thomas Saaby Noer
Head of Healthcare
42 30 88 75
Nikolaos Nikolaou
31 16 91 81
Steve Harwood
Film Producer
52 40 31 60
Peiman Fallahian
Project Manager
31 16 91 81
Trine Tuxøe
Marketing Manager
31 16 91 81
Hans Pind
Film Producer
31 16 91 81
Maria Høeberg
Project Manager
30 26 71 75
Laura Werup
Programme Manager
31 16 91 81
Kathrine Fremming
Business Developer
27 11 86 21
Johannes Sivesgaard
Business Developer
42 68 02 06
Rasmus Buch Andersen
CG Artist
31 16 91 81
Malte Rasmussen
31 16 91 81
Dagmara Kaczmarek
3D artist
31 16 91 81
Kira Lund
Project Manager
31 16 91 81
Alejandro Velez
Shop Manager
31 16 91 81
Johan Kristensen
31 16 91 81
Jonas Hussain
31 16 91 81