Low Voltage Solutions

Low Voltage Solutions

Low Voltage Solutions | Logstrup Client: Logstrup Target Medium: WebAR Logstrup is a switchboard and switchgear supplier.Based on the original 190mm module, the Logstrup Modular System enables any configuration of Main and Sub Distribution Boards, Motor Control...
Body Anatomy AR

Body Anatomy AR

Body Anatomy AR | Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi Client: Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi – SOSU H Target Medium: Smartphone/Tablet Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) In collaboration with Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi, Khora...


Product chooser | Clever Client: Clever Target Medium: Smartphone/Tablet Task: Clever wanted an AR-Filter to showcase their different solutions and products, originally only meant to be used for a CarExpo they participated in, in late October 2023. Khora developed the...
J-Day – Tuborg

J-Day – Tuborg

J-Day | Tuborg Client: Tuborg Agency: Wibroe, Duckert & Partners Target Medium: Smartphone/Tablet – WebAR Task: With the ambition to give Tuborg’s Christmas Brew more digital presence and keep the traditional brew relevant and engaging right up until...


Metro | Metroselskabet & Hovedstadens Letbane Client: Metroselskabet & Hovedstadens Letbane Target Medium: Smartphone / Tablet Try it here! Metroselskabet & Hovedstadens Letbane wanted to give tourists in Copenhagen the opportunity to explore attractions...