Virtual Reality Fitness Game

Virtual Reality Fitness Game

Virtual Reality Fitness Game Client: Termini Station Studios Target Medium: Oculus Rift S Task: Our goal was to develop a rhythm based virtual reality game that would get players into the target fat burning zone in a fun and immersive way. In the game you have to use...
Khora Exposure – A VR therapy platform

Khora Exposure – A VR therapy platform

Khora Exposure Client: Carlsberg Byen Target Medium: HTC Vive Pro Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) Task: The former home to the world-famous Carlsberg Breweries in the heart of Copenhagen is being developed into the vibrant and diverse...
Heka – VR therapy for schizophrenia

Heka – VR therapy for schizophrenia

The Challenge Project Fighting auditory hallucinations by using Virtual Reality simulation training Client: Carlsberg Byen Target Medium: HTC Vive Pro Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) Task: The former home to the world-famous Carlsberg...
VR Flight Exposure – Flight anxiety

VR Flight Exposure – Flight anxiety

VR Flight Exposure | Ørsted Client: Ørsted Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Flight Exposure is a virtual reality (VR) exposure training experience, designed to help Ørsted employees with a fear of fearing. It was delivered with a written guide to help first time users....