by Andreas | Feb 13, 2020
Visualizing 3D Prints in AR | Politronica Client: Politronica Inkjet Printing S.r.l Target Medium: Smartphone Native AR App Download Link: iOS (App Store) Challenge: Politronica develop and manufacture materials and technologies for printed electronics and 3D printing...
by Andreas | Feb 12, 2020
VR Flight Exposure | Ørsted Client: Ørsted Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Flight Exposure is a virtual reality (VR) exposure training experience, designed to help Ørsted employees with a fear of fearing. It was delivered with a written guide to help first time users....
by Andreas | Feb 12, 2020
Maritime Career Game | Danske Maritime Client: Danske Maritime Target Medium: Oculus Go and Google Cardboard Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) Task: Maritime Career Game is a Virtual Reality game that teaches children about the possibilities...
by Andreas | Feb 12, 2020
VR Tourist Guide | Visit Holstebro Client: Visit Holstebro Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Holstebro Municipality is full of contrasts. Sea, inlet, culture and nature, as well as exciting towns to explore. From inlet landscape with beaches, dunes and harbours, to the...
by Andreas | Feb 11, 2020
Exam Anxiety | HK Lab Client: HK Lab Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: HK is Denmark’s largest union for salaried employees. They have more than 275.000 members who work within the retail sector and as administrative staff within both the public and the private sectors....
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