VR Flight Exposure – Flight anxiety

VR Flight Exposure – Flight anxiety

VR Flight Exposure | Ørsted Client: Ørsted Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Flight Exposure is a virtual reality (VR) exposure training experience, designed to help Ørsted employees with a fear of fearing. It was delivered with a written guide to help first time users....
Flight Exposure Therapy | Cool Kids

Flight Exposure Therapy | Cool Kids

Flight Exposure Therapy | Cool Kids Client: Cool Kids Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Following the learnings of the previous project, where we explored the usage of Virtual Reality for Dog Phobia Therapy, Cool Kids wanted to experience using VR to help children get...
Maritime Career Game | Danske Maritime

Maritime Career Game | Danske Maritime

Maritime Career Game | Danske Maritime Client: Danske Maritime Target Medium: Oculus Go and Google Cardboard Download Links: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store) Task: Maritime Career Game is a Virtual Reality game that teaches children about the possibilities...
VR Tourist Guide | Visit Holstebro

VR Tourist Guide | Visit Holstebro

VR Tourist Guide | Visit Holstebro Client: Visit Holstebro Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: Holstebro Municipality is full of contrasts. Sea, inlet, culture and nature, as well as exciting towns to explore. From inlet landscape with beaches, dunes and harbours, to the...
VR for Integration of Immigrants | KL

VR for Integration of Immigrants | KL

VR for Integration of Immigrants | Kommunernes Landsforening (KL) Client: Kommunernes Landsforening (KL) Target Medium: Oculus Go Task: “Job in reality” (“Job i virkeligheden”) is the name of the project, which is formed by a collaboration between KL and Khora and the...