
Psychiatry VR Training | Videnscenter for Velfærdsteknologi Øst

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Client: Knowledge Center for Welfare Technology / East (Videncenter for Velfærdsteknologi / Øst)

Target Medium: Oculus Go

Task: In collaboration with the Knowledge Center for Welfare Technology / East, Khora is behind the production of 360 degree films, which serves as an introduction to psychiatry targeted SOSU (social and health caretaker) students. It can be very overwhelming for a SOSU student to get into psychiatry for the first time. In some cases it can be so violent an experience that the student completely disapproves of the education and consequently drops out. The purpose of the VR productions is to introduce the student to the area before the student has to practice, as well as strengthen the students professionalism while preventing dropout.

The VR films give the student the opportunity to experience being an intern who follows along with an experienced SOSU assistant at home visits to citizens with serious psychiatric problems. The student encounters one citizen who at the visit is manic, one who is depressed and a third who hears voices.

Contact Form

Thomas Saaby Noer

Thomas Saaby Noer

Head of Healthcare

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 42 30 88 75