
Created by: Simon Lajboschitz, Katrin Olafsdottir, Julie Bjørnskov, Max Morris-Doherty, and Georg Jagunov

Target Medium: Samsung Gear VR

About the Project: I U WE is a Virtual and Augmented Reality ritual that unites individuals through shared experience.

A ritual is a sequence of actions involving gestures, words, sounds, and objects. Performed in a cultural context the ritual creates a shared metaphysical world. Technology has the potential to unite people, but increasingly people feel lonely and isolated within contemporary media systems. I U WE offers an experience where Virtual and Augmented Reality becomes a tool to unify participants. With actors, projections, VR, AR and sound I U WE joins the group in a visual journey through a new cosmos.

This project was created in collaboration with the CPH:DOX at the CPH:LAB and showed at Cannes Marché Next: Virtual Reality Days 2017, and at CPH:DOX 2018.


Peter Fisher

Peter Fisher

Co-founder & CTO

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