Dog Phobia Therapy | Cool Kids


Client: Cool Kids

Target Medium: Samsung Gear VR

Task: The Cool Kids Klinik has a vast experience in helping children to pass through different fears. However, most of the exposure therapy conducted today still recurs to traditional tools, and most of the times can be a lengthy process. Cool Kids wanted to explore the potential of VR in speeding up the therapy process and approached Khora to work together on creating a new solution.

The task was to create an easy and accessible tool to help with the treatment for children suffering from dog phobia using exposure therapy. The tool was meant to be used as a semi-realistic but safe space, where children could face their fears. So, Khora produced an app with a series of 360 videos allowing the viewer to be surrounded by dogs in multiple levels of interaction, and in a controlled environment. The experience is meant to be administered and monitored by the expert psychologist during the session, in order to avoid over-exposure.

Client’s Testimony

“In collaboration with Khora we have created a VR-exposure-video for children and young people who suffer from phobic anxiety for dogsIt has been a great collaboration. We have been met with a lot of curiosity and interest for our field and with a sincere goal to use VR-technology for societal purposes. From our collaboration a lot of good ideas came along in regards to using VR-technology to help children and young people overcome their fears and anxieties. I hope that we can continue developing and realise more good ideas in the future together with Khora.”


– Søren Benedikt Pedersen
Clinic Manager, Authorized Psychology | Cool Kids


Thomas Saaby Noer

Thomas Saaby Noer

Head of Healthcare

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 42 30 88 75