Arla Innovation Center | Arla Foods Ingredients
Client: Arla Foods Ingredients (through MarketingSelector)
Target Medium: Oculus Go
Task: Ahead of the inauguration of their newly built global R&D center, Arla Foods Ingredients wanted to give internal stakeholders the opportunity to tour through the building in VR. MarketingSelector reached out to Khora to turn this wish into reality.
Using the client’s already existing architecture BIM models and Endscape, Khora took 360º render photos of multiple locations inside of the building and created a 360º video guided tour of the building. Before the building is even built, people are capable of stepping inside of labs, libraries and meeting rooms, and understand key functionalities of the building that will make the perfect environment for leading scientists and innovators.
Client’s Testimony
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Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek
Training and Simulations Specialist
+45 27 82 47 27