
AR Hololens | Scientific Center of Process Technology

Client: Scientific center of Process Technology

Target Medium: Microsoft Hololens 2

Challenge: Scientific center of Process Technnology coveys the latest knowledge within process technology to teachers, students and companies. The purpose of the scientific center is to optimize students’ skills in vocational education, which are in demand in the digital labor market.

Task: To have AR glasses implemented as part of the teaching, for the purpose of remote control. 

Solution: Microsoft Hololens 2 uses mixed reality smartglasses that let the user combine realities. The Hololens can be used to display information, blend with the real world, or simulate a virtual world. By using AR glasses as part of the teaching, students can receive remote support from other students or teachers through the AR glasses. For example, a student can be in a test hall with machinery, and a student/teacher, located elsewhere, can guide them through the glasses on how to operate/repair the machines. The solution is being tested as part of the teaching at the vocational school at EUC Lillebælt.

 The implementation of the solution is the scientific center of process technology’s first step towards a future that involves technological development and the use of AR in teaching as a tool.


Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Education Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 27 82 47 27