Parachute | Danish Parachute Union, DIF

Client: Danish Parachute Union, Danish Sports Conferation (DIF)

Target Medium: Khora Exposure

Challenge: Numerous requirements must be met in order to count down from three and go skydiving: near-perfect weather conditions, maintenance of aircraft and skydiving equipment, and a budget that can keep up with rising fuel prices. Since weather conditions in particular are essential for skydiving, Danish Parachute Association clubs often lose members during the low winter season.

Task:  The Danish Parachute Association wanted a way to maintain interest in skydiving even when the requirements for a real skydiving experience cannot be met. Therefore, the VR experience had to both simulate skydiving and serve as visual communication material for the sport at events where, for good reasons, it is not possible for interested parties to try skydiving.

Solution: In collaboration with the Danish Parachute Association and Danish Sports Confederation (DIF), Khora produced a VR experience that guides both new and experienced skydivers through the entire process from preparation, flight, jump, and back to the ground. The VR experience also introduces them to the theory behind the equipment and simulates the practical training, which supports the learning process and helps reduce stress factors associated with the jumps.


Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Education Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 27 82 47 27