
VR Food Culture in Denmark | Food Nation


Client: Food Nation

Target Medium: Oculus Go

Task: Food Nation is a public-private partnership established by the Danish Government and leading private organisations and companies.  Food Nation’s goal is to promote Denmark as a frontrunner in innovative, sustainable and effective food production solutions worldwide, and set up new partnerships with the Danish Cluster. To promote their 8 key strongholds, Food Nation enrolled our help in showcasing these areas in virtual reality.

Potential future business partners can now visit key contributors to the Danish Food Cluster in virtual reality, this includes farms, research centers, supermarkets and restaurants, to see how Denmark is leading the way in food productions with their solutions of tomorrow. The 360º videos have now been seen world-wide at promotional events in China, Mexico and various countries across Europe.

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Katrine Konyher

Katrine Konyher

Marketing Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 41 29 93 19