Børn og Unge Topmøde | Danske Professionshøjskoler
Client: Danske Professionshøjskoler
Target Medium: Oculus Go and Social Media (YouTube, Facebook)
Task: The Danish Professionshøjskoler had a joint message to deliver during “KL’s Børn og Unge Topmøde 2020” about “strengthening communities for all”. They wanted to get this message across politicians and decision-makers within the danish education sector in a new and effective way. Due to the ability of capturing and retaining people’s attention, Virtual Reality quickly became a great option to consider, so they reached out to Khora. We produced a 360º video that participants at the event could experience with a Virtual Reality headset.
The film features a little girl where you are a part of her dollhouse. Shrinking the viewer down to a “doll perspective” in VR gives the viewer a sense of being present in the narration and is a metaphoric story about spirit, communities and bureaucracy in the public sector.
Many politicians and decision-makers within the danish education sector stopped by their booth and watched the 360º video in VR headsets. Later, the 360º video was made available on Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Youtube to spread the message to a broader audience.
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Sérgio Oliveira
Marketing Specialist
+45 91 85 77 30