
Karriereby Viborg | Viborg Municipality

Client: Viborg Municipality – Karriereby Viborg

Platform: SparkAR

Links: Instagram AR Filter

Karriereby Viborg wanted to catch the attention of prospective students and give them insight into the educational opportunities that Viborg Municipality offers.

In collaboration with Karriereby Viborg and Freundlich Design Studio, Khora developed an Augmented Reality filter for SparkAR for use on Instagram and Facebook. The filter is a Quiz filter based on the question “What do you prefer” and gives prospective students the opportunity to express their interests, which will result in a suggested education based on their preferences.

In order to get the filter out to as many prospective students as possible, Karriereby Viborg entered into a collaboration with Impress Agency, which organized an influential campaign to increase the filter’s presence on social media. The filter has reached more than 100.000 people, and has the first month been used by more than 2.400 people, of which 86% are in the age target group for the filter.

Client’s Testimony

“Karriereby Viborg has had a great and frictionless cooperation with Khora for the development of an AR-filter for Instagram. Khora guided us professionally through all phases of the project and supplemented with relevant knowledge and great ideas whether it was in regards to concepts, technical questions in relation to development or campaign execution when we where ready to publish the filter.


– Rasmus Præst Laursen
Project Leader |Culture and Development, Viborg Municipality

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Katrine Konyher

Katrine Konyher

Marketing Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 4129 9319