Employee Branding & Talent Attraction | Erhvervsministeriet
Client: Erhvervsministeriet (Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs)
Target Medium: Oculus Go
Task: Erhvervsministeriet is one of the largest ministries in Denmark, when it comes to number of employees. The Ministry is responsible for a number of policy areas which are important for the general business environment, including business regulation, Intellectual Property Rights, competition and consumer policy, the financial sector and shipping. The Ministry comprises 7 agencies in total, spread all over the country.
As part of a larger digitalization strategy within Erhvervsministeriet, digital employer branding and talent attraction was one of the areas where Khora got involved, into discussing the benefits of using Virtual Reality for employer branding purposes. The objective was to show potential employees, especially graduates and young candidates, what it is like to work within the agencies of Erhvervsministeriet and make career paths within the Ministry more visible. Therefore we built a solution that contained 3 different 360 video tours, around the offices of Sikkerhedsstyrelsen (Danish Safety Technology Authority), Finanstilsynet (The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority) and Departementet (Minister’s office). The viewer can choose which office to visit and receive a guided tour by one of the actual employees.
Erhvervsministeriet have been using the 360 VR tours at career fairs and internal HR processes.
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Sérgio Oliveira
Marketing Specialist
+45 91 85 77 30