Hard Rain | Forsikring og Pension
Client: Forsikring og Pension
Target Medium: Samsung Gear VR and Social Media (Facebook)
Task: With the number of floods becoming a raising issue in Denmark, pension and insurance campaigner organization, Forsikring og Pension wanted to attract policy makers’ attention to this problem at Folkemødet 2017. What better way than to submerge ministers in a flooding house with Virtual Reality?
After approaching Khora, we worked on a 360º video animation to simulate a flooding, and include facts that could help to understand the dimension of this problem. In the video, people can also listen to tips about what to do to prevent more flood damage.
Client’s Testimony
Khora VR has been really great at giving us an introduction to virtual reality and to explain the possibilities of the media – what works well, and not so well. They have also been really excellent at developing our own ideas. It has worked really well that we have given them some proposals, that they then developed.
The result is a virtual flooding of a living room, which is both a fun, interesting and also a little intimidating experience for people – but for sure something that makes them think about the good advice to avoid damages when it is raining.
– Hans Reymann-Carlsen
Vice President | Forsikring & Pension
Forebyg skybrudsskaderSkybrud rammer oftere og oftere. Her får du gode råd til, hvordan du undgår, at din bolig bliver oversvømmet efter et skybrud.Kom og oplev en oversvømmet stue i virtual reality – på Folkemødet hos Forsikring & Pension i telt G2 på Ydermolen.
Slået op af Forsikringsnørden i Fredag den 16. juni 2017
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Sérgio Oliveira
Marketing Specialist
+45 91 85 77 30