VR Education Tours Through the Danish Food Industry | NNF



Client: Fødevareforbundet NNF

Target Medium: Oculus Go and Google Cardboard

Download Link: Android (Google PlayStore) | iOS (App Store)  

Challenge: NNF, (the Danish Trade Union representing workers in Slaughter, Baked Goods, Dairy, Chocolate and Sweets, and Tobacco industries), face the challenge of generating enthusiasm and interest in entering into these lines of work.

How can VR inspire the future generation of NNF union members?  

Solution: We produced five 360 degree films that could be downloaded straight to your smartphone. In these 360 experiences participants were transported into one of the workplaces, for example a slaughterhouse, accompanied by a role model who either themselves have finished their education, or are in the process of, and currently working as an apprentice in that facility. This gave the participants the chance to see a real workday from a first-person point of view, and gain valuable knowledge and tips from the role models themselves. 

Press Articles: NNF Newsletter

Featured Cases


Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek

Education Specialist

Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 27 82 47 27