Exam Anxiety | HK Lab
Client: HK Lab
Target Medium: Oculus Go
Task: HK is Denmark’s largest union for salaried employees. They have more than 275.000 members who work within the retail sector and as administrative staff within both the public and the private sectors.
Together with HK Lab – the unions official laboratory for future technologies – Khora developed a Virtual Reality training tool to help students perform better at exams. Using 360 degree video, the experience simulates a real exam situation, taking the viewer through all the necessary steps that is normally required to complete an oral exam. From standing in the hallway to the actual examination, featuring a teacher and a censor asking questions, to the evaluation and grading at the end. The exam experience also encourages the viewer to participate and engage with the environment during the exam, by providing the student with advice that requires interaction, before the narrative moves on.
The reasoning behind this project is to enhance the set of tools, that students and members of HK are provided with through the unions existing exam preparation courses. HK has already implemented the solution as part of the courses, using class-sets of VR goggles, and the next step is to further develop the solution into a stand-alone experience, in which HK’s members can bring home and practice with before an actual exam.
HK has a long-term ambition on creating a VR-learning platform that includes many different training elements and situations.
Kan #virtualreality hjælpe unge studerende med at forberede sig til eksamen? ??Det har TV 2 NYHEDERNE set nærmere på da HK Lab (HK Danmark) testede deres #VR eksamenssimulation af, som er udviklet af Khora Virtual Reality, på en flok studerende fra Roskilde Handelsskole.#hklab #eksamen #angst #eksponering #360video #vrsimulation #oculusgo
Slået op af Khora Virtual Reality i Mandag den 27. maj 2019
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Jonathan Komang-Sønderbek
Training and Simulations Specialist
+45 27 82 47 27