
M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark


Submerge into one hundred years of history in just three minutes.

Client: M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark | Wonderful Copenhagen

Target Medium: Oculus Go

Task: The project seeks to immerse visitors with a VR experience to vividly visualize a museum’s becoming. It was initiated by Wonderful Copenhagen, the largest tourism organization in Denmark, as part of a pilot project seeking to explore the potential of using VR and how to use the medium as a compelling communication and storytelling tool for future exhibitions at Danish museums.

The Maritime Museum of Denmark wanted to immerse their visitors into an experience which vividly visualizes a one hundred year history journey in three minutes, expressing the magic that happens when a historic industrial monument is revived and transformed into cutting-edge architecture, and the tallest, yet underground, museum building in Denmark.

As many of the museum’s international visitors are particularly interested in architecture, the goal of this project was to share an untold story about the museum in a new and engaging way. 

The VR experience contains a mixture of 360-degree video and 3D animation and is part of the M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark’s permanent ‘BIG dock’ exhibition, which unfolds the creation of the museum’s iconic, underground architecture. Customized VR podiums with plug’n’play ready headsets are placed in the museum’s exhibition hall for visitors to try out.

A report documenting the results and effects of this VR exhibition shows that the target group received the new VR medium well as a storytelling tool and as an enhancement of the overall museum experience. The report is available for reading here.

Case Study Link: Tourism+Culture Lab

Case Study Video

Dive deeper into the project and see how it was implemented.

Museet for Søfart

Khora tror på at kulturinstitutioner kan give deres gæster endnu større oplevelser ved hjælp af #virtualreality og #augmentedreality 😊 Det har vi testet sammen med M/S Museet for Søfart.Projektet Tourism+Culture Lab er et samarbejde blandt en række kulturinstitutioner om at indfri kulturinstitutioners potentiale i forhold til internationale gæster. Al viden og erfaring fra projektet deles, og du kan læse mere om den forskel Virtual Reality og Augmented Reality kan gøre i en kvalitativ analyse af projektet: http://bit.ly/2X6MptoTak til vores samarbejdspartnere M/S Museet for Søfart, VisitCopenhagen og VRPRO. 👉 Er du interesseret i hvordan du selv kan blive hands on med VR og AR i dit formidlingsarbejde? Så tilmeld dig dette kursus af Organisationen Danske Museer. Det er allerede d. 2. april. Du kan få indsigt i teknologiernes betydning for museers formidling og hvordan kunstnere arbejder med dem. Du får testet, hvad de to teknologier kan levere i praksis i dag, og du får viden om, hvordan udviklingen inden for VR og AR forventes at blive. Tilmeld dig ved at følge linket http://bit.ly/2NbVJHV

Slået op af Khora Virtual Reality i Søndag den 17. februar 2019

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Matias Seidler

Matias Seidler

Museums and Tourism Specialist

E-Mail-white-outline-icon  matias@khoravr.com
Phone-White-Outline-icon  +45 22 33 24 81